the days pass in a very fast, and with every passing day more and more I realized, that the past will never return, the future is uncertain and this is what counts, I would like to go back and re-be a child around the time studying, (should create a time machine) LOL but the reality is different, so my dear friends give them a very valuable council, do not waste your time on bitterness and bad times, money comes and goes, the material that is discarded early trade, and the only thing really worth, aRE BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that you have had and the good deeds you have done ..... good luck to everyone on this day ..... kisses CRIS
Colombia is my birthplace, is the country that has seen me grow and fulfill myself as a person, a country full of beautiful women and sexy men as you can see this cute little black .... the charisma of the people is unique, we are very friendly and full of joy, I invite everyone to someday go through my country, especially medellin, san andres, Cartagena, and Cali, where I will be your guide hehe LOl ..... WELCOME TO COLOMBIA hot and beautiful land,,,,, are cordially invited
I had a pretty hectic weekend, fortunately everything went well, went out to share with my friends on Saturday while we drank a few beers we had anecdotes that we had happened during the week, the next day, Sunday, I went out for a walk with my family, we were on a farm where horses had pool and many more distractions, it was a spectacular Sunday. and Monday was a holiday in my country COLOMBIA, so no good reason and be completed by going to the movies with my co-workers, has been an unforgettable week-end and very nice, were two days when I was not working out, but here I am giving my best, having fun and having fun .... kisses and have a great start to the week ... cris
I am happy, today is Saturday the most spectacular day of the week ... I am working in the afternoon because at night I'll go to share with my friends while eating something and then had a couple of beers ..... I hope to have fun and just as you may have a spectacular night .... good luck to all
I had a very tiring day, but quite nice. I hope that each and every one of you my dear friends have a great weekend, all your wishes come true, do not forget this hot Latino who is always trying to please the maximum .... I take in my mind
despite the fact that in life there are many obstacles and barriers that stand in the path to success, I do not give up and to go fighting every day, live and enjoy every moment as if it were the last, I thank God for every day of life, and for the blessings that darrama about me, I live my crazy life with his feet on the ground without losing my horizons ..... I'm loving the adrenaline and live off the monotony .... remember that you are here :: today in this world, tomorrow who knows where, do not waste time, dance, sing, have lots of sex, fall in love, you crazy and have fun, but always with his feet on the ground, and driving situations not let them get on your hands :)
Today was a very hot day, I had the pleasure of going out for a swim in the river ... very cold water! after eating something, I did a workout at the gym, by the way: I need a massage on my legs ....;) Here I am trying to share pleasant and unforgettable moments with you all .... I hope you had a great day as I do my dear friends, remember that you only live once, and every minute is too valuable so ENJOY EVERY MINUTE TO MAXIMUM
I had a nice weekend, the only thing wrong Was That WAS my mother But thank God Seriously ill health historical improved, I wanted to be with you sharing Sunday, But Must Understand That my mother's health is paramount ..... I hope to give my best every day and This Week. GOD BLESS
and had a few problems this week, do not fail in life, but thank God and the support of many of you and able to overcome every barreara that gets in my way .... I'm beyond those ups and downs that I have had and I will continue to offer the best forward of me to each of those people who always bring in my life one way or another ..... thanks for your support ..... I will be true tomorrow by celebrating Mother's Day with my loved ones, I wish you a great day, see you on Monday night, GOD BLESS
I love sharing my time with everyone this wonderful site, are very entertaining and contribute much to my life, so I want to know a little more about me ..... I love music, I like to sing in the shower, when I'm cooking or making crafts from my home, I love going to the gym and get plenty of exercise to stay fit and keep my health stable ...... Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies do well and not bad for a day Whosoever can share what any of you ........ mmmmmmm almost pass over, go for a walk I can not ignore, I love meeting new places, I love my life, so take every minute as if it were the last ......
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